Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

**Sorry we were so late today!!!***
Today was our trip to the Calgary Corn Maze! We had so much fun and cannot wait to share all of our stories with you. To help your child prepare for our writing lesson tomorrow, please ask them:

  1. What were your favourite parts of the field trip?
  2. What was something that surprised you on the field trip?
  3. What wonders do you have after our visit to the Corn Maze?
Here are some pictures I took from our trip.


- Toonie Popcorn day is Thursday and Friday. Send a toonie with your child if you would like them to purchase popcorn to support our school
- Normally our book exchange is every Wednesday, but since we missed it, we will go tomorrow - please send all library books so your child can pick a new one!
- Friday is early dismissal - please only send your child with a snack
- Mrs. Brar is away until Tuesday afternoon

*this is a scheduled post while I am away.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Today was our last day of school for the year! We celebrated by having a year-end assembly. Thank for all of the gifts and cards - you'...