Friday, January 20, 2017

Friday, January 20, 2017

Students at Kenneth D. Taylor are focusing on the following values. They are helpful, empathetic, accepting of others, responsible and truthful 💜 Our students have H.E.A.R.T! Throughout the year we will have opportunities to learn about each of these values so we can practice them each day!

Today we focused on helping

How can you be helpful? Or how have you been helped?

I can help someone get up if they fall - Nadia
Help my sister open the door - Claire
I can help the teacher and my learning by listening - Amelia
Helping someone clean up - Bronwyn
My dad helped me when I slipped - Mark
I helped my sister feel better by getting her an icepack (bag of peas) - Paige
Sitting cross cross so people behind me can see and raising my hand instead of yelling out - Grayson
My grandma asked me if I was ok when I tripped on the stairs - Danica
My dad tried to cheer me up when I twisted my ankle - Hayden
I help my little sister all the time with doing stuff - Khloe
My mom helps me clean my books and toys - Maliaka
My brother helps me all the time - Maryam

Ask your child, how can you help at home? How can you help at school?

To help us think of other ways to help each other, we read the story, I am a Leader! While reading the story again with your child, on each page ask: who is the character helping? Themselves? Others? The community?

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Today was our last day of school for the year! We celebrated by having a year-end assembly. Thank for all of the gifts and cards - you...