Tomorrow we are having our first school assembly! All parents are welcome to join, although it is not required. The assembly will begin at 8:30 in the gym.
We read the story Chrysanthemum and talked about how the character felt throughout the story. Please ask your child: What made Chrysanthemum sad? Click on the picture below to read the story together.
We also began talking about how we each got our names. I told the students that I was named after a little girl that my mom went to school with. If you haven't done so already, please share with your child what made you give them the name they have. :)
In the story we learned that Chrysanthemum has 13 letters in her name! It made us many letters are in our name?
We used our math manipulatives to create this name graph
Please ask your child:
Who in our class has the longest name?
Who in our class has the shortest name?
Most of our classmates have _____ letters in their name
Reminders: Yesterday we sent home an envelope in your child's backpack with the following items:
- Welcome letter/Staff list and contacts
- Calendar
- How to pay school fees
- Use of school district use of personal information: Please sign and return blue form
- Volunteering information
- Student Demographic Verification Report: Please review, make changes, sign and return
Thank you to those of you who already reviewed and returned the forms. Please review, sign, and return if you have not.