Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Today we worked on some problem solving with our peers. We watched a very story about how two students had a problem (uh oh!). We talked about how the students might feel and as a result, how they might act.

Here are some words students came up with when thinking about how the student might feel
- sad
- shocked
- disappointed
- mad
- angry

Ask you child: How do you think this child is feeling?

We then thought, if the student is feeling angry or mad - how will the student react to this problem? Will it make the problem worse or will his actions solve the problem?

Homework: Think of a solution to the students problem. What can you suggest he does so that they can fix the problem?

Parents, here is an emotions chart we will be working with. From the main 5 emotions stem other and stronger emotions. We will be working with each of the 6 to generate strategies to help us when we are feeling each of these 6 feelings.

Dear Parents,

When you arrive at the conferences on Thursday and Friday, please pick up a Student-led Conference Passport.

On the back of the passport you will find two things we would like you to fill out.

The first section, “Things I noticed…” is an area for you to write about what you notice about your child and their learning. What successes can we celebrate? Please write in this area as your child leads you through the conference.

The last section, “I wish…” is an area for you to sit with your child and generate a educational goal together. These goals will help guide us this next term.

When you have visited each of the centres, and filled out the back, please return the paper to Mrs. Brar.

On the front of the passport, please visit the following stations with your child: (please feel free to visit these in any order)

-       Writing Centre – please ask your child to show you their bin. In this bin, you will find their green writing journal. Your child has flagged some work they would like to share with you.
o   Please ask them what each of the colours mean and to walk you through the rubric.
§  For work flagged red or yellow, ask your child:
·      Why did you flag this as ‘red’ or ‘yellow’ work?
·      What could you do to improve this work?
§  For work flagged green, ask your child:
·      Why did you flag this as ‘green’ work?
·      What is your next step? How could you improve this work even more?
-       Reading Centre – also in your child’s book bin, you will find a bag titled “Books I know!” These are books your child is learning how to read, or know how to read.
o   Please ask your child to read one (or more) of the stories to you.
o   In the bag you will find some reading strategies (I will give a copy for you to take home). While your child reads, look for them using the strategies provided, to help them read the story. Feel free to suggest strategies as they read.
§  Please note: at this point in the year, students are expected to be reading level E books.
-       Math Centre – using the manipulatives provided, please work together with your child to generate some solutions to the making 10 problem. Add them to the paper to share your solutions with others!
-       Bulletin boards/art displays – please visit the bulletin boards along the grade 1 hallway and discuss the questions posted with your child.
-       Meet with Me! – you will have an opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you might have. I will also be sharing some data with you in regards to reading levels and our upcoming social studies inquiry project. If you prefer a more private conversation, please email me at and we can arrange a time for this.

We cannot wait to share our learning with you on Thursday and Friday! If you have any questions, please let me know!

Mrs. Brar

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Today was our last day of school for the year! We celebrated by having a year-end assembly. Thank for all of the gifts and cards - you'...