Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Today we did a lot of partner work. We are learning how to play fair and take turns with a partner. We played a game called Race to 100! Ask me how it works!

 We also did some snowman math. We looked at addition stories and picked them apart - here are the words we circled that were important and gave us information on how to solve the problem. 

Can you write your own addition story at home?

With a new partner, we also shared our writing from yesterday. We talked read our work to each other and discussed how we could improve our writing based on our rubric. After meeting with our partner, we had a chance to action on the feedback, and make our writing even better! Ask your child what feedback they received and how it improved their writing.

- Tomorrow is library book exchange!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Today was our last day of school for the year! We celebrated by having a year-end assembly. Thank for all of the gifts and cards - you...