Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Thank you to students who brought their Social Studies projects in! Today we began our presentations. Today we heard from Karter. He interviewed his grandpa who speaks English and lives in Alberta. They celebrate Christmas and Easter. Karter has a family of aircraft experts! We were so interested in learning more about airplanes and how they work.

We also talked about other names we have for our grandpas: grandpa, papa, dadu, bapu, ahtah, coocoo, grandad, grand-père.

If you have not been able to support your child with this homework, please do so as soon as possible. We will continue with presentations all week!
We also read a story today called Shark Detective. Please ask your child what the following three words mean: detective, lonely, research

- Tomorrow is Library Book Exchange
- Tomorrow is Subway Fun lunch

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Today was our last day of school for the year! We celebrated by having a year-end assembly. Thank for all of the gifts and cards - you'...