Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Today we had our unbirthday celebration! We did some writing, some math, a word unscramble and then created a pop-up card for one of our classmates! Please ask me about my day!

Movie night is tonight! Parents, ask you come into the school, please a look at our lost and found. There are a number of items.

Spring Break Homework!
In addition to reading on Raz-Kids and working on IXL, students have been asked to work on another social studies project. Please see the information below. (this document was sent home)
Please assist your child in thinking of 8-10 significant events. We will finish the timeline at school. Please return the timeline with pictures on April 3, 2017.Image result for have a safe spring break

- School resumes April 3, 2017
- Grade 1 Zoo trip April 11 - look for the paper work on April 3!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday, March 20, 2017

As is the compiled video of our students Inline Skating experience! Enjoy!

Dear Parents,

As communicated at the beginning of the year, we will be celebrating an "Unbirthday" at Ken Taylor school. On Wednesday, March 22, we will be celebrating ALL of our birthdays with an unbirthday celebration! Please send a special treat for just your child, just as you would on other special days. Throughout the day we will participate in various literacy and numeracy activities and create 'Happy Birthday' cards for one another. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Please find the original note, sent at the beginning of the year, below:

Dear Parents/Guardians,

At Ken Taylor School, we will celebrate an “Unbirthday”. This idea comes from Alice in Wonderland. Not all students have the chance to celebrate their birthday during the school year and therefore, we have decided to celebrate EVERYONE’s birthday together!

We will choose a date for everyone to enjoy some special treats, sing Happy Birthday, play games, and even trade birthday cards.

On each student’s actual birthday this year we will just say Happy Birthday, smile, give them a school pencil, and share our best wishes.

Please do not send in cakes, cupcakes or other treats on your child’s actual birthday. We will save our big celebration for the classroom unbirthday party!!

This date will be communicated to you via your child’s teacher’s blog.

The Staff of Ken Taylor School 

Mrs. Brar is away Tuesday at an appointment
Wednesday is book exchange
Wednesday is our Unbirthday celebration
Wednesday is the last day before Spring Break

Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday, March 17, 2017

Today was our last day of skating! I am so proud of all of the students - they all improved so much over the last few days! I am putting together a video of their skating experience and will post it on Monday! 
Thank you to our instructor James and the Alien In-line skating team!

This morning students came in to a bit of a surprise...ask me what happened! Did your child catch a leprechaun? What did the leprechaun leave behind?

Even Mr. Dyck came to see if we caught a leprechaun!
 The leprechaun left a note! Ask your child to read what it says...

Ask them about their trap - how could they have improved it?

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Reminders for tomorrow
- Wear Green
- Early Dismissal!

Today we practiced our large number doubles. We are double stars with numbers from 1-6, and today we were practicing with 7+7, 8+8, 9+9 and 10+10. These double facts will help us with adding and subtracting. Ask me about the game we played today and how we practiced our double facts.

To practice double facts at home, ask your child to complete these IXL math problems

Addition strategies

Another great day of skating! Ask me how I did!

We started building today! Ask me what I built!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Today was our last day of school for the year! We celebrated by having a year-end assembly. Thank for all of the gifts and cards - you...