Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016

In preparation for Remembrance Day, we read the story, What Does Peace Feel Like?
Click here to read the story

We then used our senses to think about the following questions...
What does Peace Feel like at school?
What does Peace Smell like at school?
What does Peace Taste like at school?
What does Peace Taste like at school?
What does Peace Look like at school?
Please discuss these questions with your child at home. 

**Also, in preparation for our Remembrance Day Ceremony, please let us know if your child participates in Scouts, Brownies, Girl Guides etc. as they would be a special part of the ceremony. I have already asked the students, but want to ensure I am not leaving anyone out :)

Coming home today!
- Book orders for students who ordered
- Picture proofs from picture day. If you wish to order some photos, please fill out the information and return the small envelope to school. If you would like retakes, please check off the box on the second page near the bottom. Picture retake is November 16, 2016. All orders are due by November 15

- Remembrance Day Ceremony - November 10 - everyone is welcome
- Subway Fun lunch will on November 23rd. Log into, create an account(if you have not done so already), link your profile to our school(Kenneth D. Taylor) and you will automatically see upcoming fun lunches. Orders can be made well in advance. Here are the upcoming lunches available to make orders for.
Thank you for supporting our school! 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Today was our last day of school for the year! We celebrated by having a year-end assembly. Thank for all of the gifts and cards - you...