How Big is a Foot?
Yesterday we started our measurement project by reading the story, How Big is a Foot? Click here to listen to the story as a family:
In the story, the king wants to make a bed for the queen and measured she is 3 feet wide and 6 feet long. We decided to measure for beds of our own! With a partner, we helped trace and cut our feet. We then went to the embassy and helped trace each others bodies! We have started to measure using our feet (and our partner's feet - AND EVEN MRS. BRAR'S FEET!) Some students didnt finish so we will finish tomorrow. Enjoy our pictures!
- Great Book exchange - with parent permission students can bring in their gentle used books that they do not want anymore (please ensure they are student friendly)
- Assembly Friday morning - all parents welcome. Grade 2 is presenting
- Friday (June 2) afternoon is our Volunteer Tea to celebrate all of our wonderful volunteers
- June 5 - Read your shirt day - wear a shirt with words on it!
- June 6 - Ride your back to school day!